Money in the Bible: How Many Times is it Mentioned?

Discover how many times money is mentioned in the Bible and learn how to use it as a tool to bless your family, others, and finance the advancement of God's kingdom.

Money in the Bible: How Many Times is it Mentioned?

It is no surprise that money is mentioned in the Bible. In the second book of Genesis, verses 11-12, the land of Havilah is described as having "good" gold. In total, there are more than 2300 verses about money, wealth, and possessions. Jesus spoke of money in 15% of his preaching and in 11 of the 39 parables.

How many times is money mentioned in the Bible? There are approximately 2000 verses in the Bible about money and possessions. These verses provide insight into how to handle finances and how to use money to bless others. The Bible warns that an excessive focus on money can lead to problems in faith and other areas of life. If you're feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation, take a moment to read these Bible verses about financial concerns, meditate on them, and take a break to pray.

The Bible talks about money because God loves you and doesn't want it to hurt you. He wants you to use it as a tool to bless your family, others, and finance the advancement of his kingdom. The key is to make sure you're worshipping God with your money, not worshipping your money itself.

Chelsey Renegar
Chelsey Renegar

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